Registrations for „Moravia Gravel 2024“ will be launched on 11/11/2023 at 20:45, when the registration form will be inserted below on this page.

Until then, the following have priority for registration:
– riders from TOP100 in UltraBikers Cup 2023 general ranking
– participants of MG23
– non-czech participants of previous events of UltraBikers Cup
– winners of one-day Challenges of UB Cup 23

The above will receive an email with a link to the registration form approx. 1-2 weeks in advance.

Registration deadline: 17/09/2024

Maximum number of participants: 80

    By clicking the "Submit" button, I agree to MG24's rules and propositions, to the processing of personal data, to sending news regarding the UltraBikers Cup to the email address provided by me, and I declare that I participate in MG24 at my own risk and that I will not demand compensation from the organizer for any material, financial or health damage caused by my participation in the MG24 challenge